Layers of Fear (2023)

Blooper Team have since 2016 been a force to be reckoned with, with hard hitters such as Observer, Layers of Fear, The Medium and the upcoming Silent Hill 2 remake. As a leading independent studio, they have quite a robust portfolio of horror games, and whether you love them or hate them, you can’t deny the talent and creative force there. This is why they were picked for the Silent Hill 2 remake of course, and to pass the time till then, we have a full remake of not one, but two of their previous games, with extra content on the side. But is it worth venturing through the games that put them in the gaming circles, or should they be left in the dark? 

Layers of Fear (2023)
Blooper Team have since 2016 been a force to be reckoned with, with hard hitters such as Observer, Layers of Fear, The Medium and the upcoming Silent Hill 2 remake. As a leading independent studio, they have quite a robust portfolio of horror games, and whether you love them or hate them, you can’t deny the talent and creative force there. This is why they were picked for the Silent Hill 2 remake of course, and to pass the time till then, we have a full remake of not one, but two of their previous games, with extra content on the side. But is it worth venturing through the games that put them in the gaming circles, or should they be left in the dark? 

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