Last Train Home

Games centred on the theme of war usually amass to the typical Michael Bay-style epic actioners with the likes of the Call of Duty franchise. Then there are those few instances of video games which incorporate intelligent gameplay loops and meaningful practices to deliver emotional, character-driven ventures that examine the horrors of conflict. And it’s even rarer to see games which focus strongly on tactical gameplay with punishing grit and brutal engagement. So, when Last Train Home premiered earlier this year, it piqued my interest with its mix of varied RTS components, Commando-style gameplay, and of course, Trains! Did Last Train Home arrive in spectacular style? Or was it worse than being delayed for 4 hours?

Last Train Home
Games centred on the theme of war usually amass to the typical Michael Bay-style epic actioners with the likes of the Call of Duty franchise. Then there are those few instances of video games which incorporate intelligent gameplay loops and meaningful practices to deliver emotional, character-driven ventures that examine the horrors of conflict. And it’s even rarer to see games which focus strongly on tactical gameplay with punishing grit and brutal engagement. So, when Last Train Home premiered earlier this year, it piqued my interest with its mix of varied RTS components, Commando-style gameplay, and of course, Trains! Did Last Train Home arrive in spectacular style? Or was it worse than being delayed for 4 hours?

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