Ultra Instinct Goku & Beast Gohan Get the Epic Clash They Deserve in Glorious New Fanart

Ultra Instinct Goku and Beast Gohan are relatively new additions to Dragon Ball lore, with new fanart pitting father against son to epic results!

Ultra Instinct Goku & Beast Gohan Get the Epic Clash They Deserve in Glorious New Fanart

Dragon Ball’s Goku and Gohan are a father-son duo who are hands down two of the most powerful fighters the series has to offer, with their most recent transformations — Goku’s Ultra Instinct and Gohan’s Beast Form — pushing their power levels to unimaginable heights even for Dragon Ball standards. In a new piece of fanart, Ultra Instinct Goku and Beast Gohan are locked in a battle of skill, resulting in a gloriously epic clash that fans need to see.

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