Quake 2: Remaster

Over the many eras of the FPS genre, there are a few choice titles we pick apart and praise with all our being. 1993’s DOOM of course brought forth a staple and fundamental framework that many adopted, Half-Life is another, Call of Duty and so many more get credit where credit is due. But then there’s Quake, which for many reasons or another, doesn’t get the widespread love it deserves. Quake was given the affection of the FPS community and critics alike, even Joe Rogan is a massive superfan of the game and holds it in high regard for gaming. Quake 3 was a beloved alternative to Unreal, and with its Flaws, Quake 4 marked the beginning of a new era, setting a high bar for the 7th generation of gaming. Then there’s Quake 2 … A game that many fans of the original didn’t like. A game that while got positive reviews from many, was slated by others, and while a huge cult/fan favourite, didn’t get the high praise back in 1997. I love Quake 2, and so should you.

Quake 2: Remaster
Over the many eras of the FPS genre, there are a few choice titles we pick apart and praise with all our being. 1993’s DOOM of course brought forth a staple and fundamental framework that many adopted, Half-Life is another, Call of Duty and so many more get credit where credit is due. But then there’s Quake, which for many reasons or another, doesn’t get the widespread love it deserves. Quake was given the affection of the FPS community and critics alike, even Joe Rogan is a massive superfan of the game and holds it in high regard for gaming. Quake 3 was a beloved alternative to Unreal, and with its Flaws, Quake 4 marked the beginning of a new era, setting a high bar for the 7th generation of gaming. Then there’s Quake 2 … A game that many fans of the original didn’t like. A game that while got positive reviews from many, was slated by others, and while a huge cult/fan favourite, didn’t get the high praise back in 1997. I love Quake 2, and so should you.

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