Indika Review

Though it's outlandishness can sometimes feel a little overwhelming, Indika tells a intriguingly dark tale players will have a hard time putting down.

Indika Review

Video games have long been a medium in which storytellers give players the means to both interact with, and then view, the narrative they have constructed for them. Some of these stories within the world of gaming are based on a reality that attempts to mirror our real world, while most tend to try and escape into fantasies and realities that allow people to be something spectacular. Indika hops back and forth from one side of these realities to the other, an action that can sometimes cause a bit of whiplash in the storytelling. Ultimately, though, Indika tells an incredibly intriguing and bizarre story that is constantly full of tension and wonder. The game intermingles both the surreal and the real with a deft hand, creating an interactive tale that players will likely have a hard time putting down.

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